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A brand new leisure room where you will experience thrilling experiences!

Infinite's Room Logo
Deux personnes qui jouent à une console de jeux-vidéos

Who are we ?

Every individual needs a moment of relaxation. Indeed, life in the 21st century is full of stress and we can often forget to have fun, alone or with our loved ones. This naturally has a negative impact on our physical and mental health.


This is where hobbies and entertainment come into play.


These give you the opportunity to escape, to enter another universe and even to temporarily forget all the pressure of society. 


It is with this in mind that we have created INFINITE'S ROOM, a universe where the possibilities to have fun, relax and entertain you are endless!

Our different services

At INFINITE'S ROOM we offer you different possibilities to entertain yourself, whether solo or in groups with your friends or family. You even have the opportunity to make new acquaintances around a good game of table football or a good old Fifa!

“Video games teach us that even the most difficult challenges can be overcome with determination and practice.”

- Unknown

Our game consoles

Différents appareils éléctroniques

Contact / Questions


Bottigenstrasse 37, 3018 Bern

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Merci pour votre envoi!

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